BIRTH NAME: ::Redacted::
AGE: 20 y/o
PRONOUNS: She | They
ID: Panromantic Asexual
SPECIES: ::Redacted::
THREAT LV: Unknown
Before You Follow

I mostly shit post, retweet posts of The Last of Us, Doctor Who, The Boys and Cool Art, and occasionally post my art.

Do Not Follow If

Basic dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, ect.), under 13 you shouldn't be here anyways.

*Now Playing... Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy

FAVES Jesse Pinkman, Aaron Paul, Pedro Pascal, Hangman Adam Page, Danhausen, CM Punk, Hughie Campbell, Jack Quaid, Orange Cassidy, Edge/Adam Copeland, David Tennant, and Tenth Doctor.

LIKES Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, Wrestling, The Last of Us, Days Gone, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Daredevil, Being Human (US), The Boys, DnD, Fall Out Boy, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park